Miss Lightfoot, proprietor of To a T ~ T.Lightfoot Designs, recently released a new steampunk corset, the Automated Alice. This metalic underbust corset comes in silver, silver & brass, gold, iron & gold, rusty iron & silver, iron & silver, and copper & mixed metals. It is designed on three different clothing levels for ease of mixing and matching with other pieces.
The basic corset is available for L$150 and comes with the very daring Kiralette ruffled blouse in cream. However, it's also possible to purchase the corset at part of an ensemble that includes fishnet stockings, Sarah Jane bloomers, the Kiralette ruffled blouse, a lace cameo choker, the Telsa bowler hat which sparks on touch, the Tempus Fugit fob watch, and of course the Automated Alice corset for the exceedingly reasonable price of L$450.
I asked Miss Lightfoot to tell me about the creation process for the Automated Alice. She said that after attending a steampunk convention last fall, she felt inspired to "make more steampunk oriented work, not be so tied down only to period wear." While the corsets were completed earlier on, the blouse took some time to get just right.
"In meantime lots of other things slowed me from completing the set," she said, "as I rebuilt my shop and was working on that as well with builder extraordinaire Angus Mesmer." Not content with the corset and blouse, Miss Lightfoot decided the pieces needed bloomers. "Once I had the bloomers I realized I had to make boots to go with it for the vendor pics". She giggled charmingly, adding "The end."
Dedicated costumers like Miss Lightfoot who go the extra mile (or more) to bring us their creations are part of what make Second Life (and writing this blog) such a pleasure.

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